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Yooz Vape Series 2 Canada Product Review

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Happy Holidays Vape Fam! We hope everyone is safe and enduring the circumstance of the Pandemic and everything that comes along with it! 

Back at you's today with a review on the Yooz vape device and pods. You'll want to pay attention to this one for the potential gift to your smoker family members and friends. 

Yooz rise in popularity has come at a great time given the fallout from another vape industry giant's exit from the Canadian Vape Market. Real simple; "The Yooz vape was designed with smokers in mind." Infact the team at Yooz mentions team members comprising of minds that came from companies such as Apple, Tesla, Huawei, Dell, Uber and more. 

Yooz Vape Series 2

YOOZ E-Juice Device Toronto Scarborough Vape Station grey, sunglow green and galexy

Yooz is a 350mAh vape pod system, each vape pod holds 2ml of e-juice. Charge time is 30min for 24 hours of vaping (approx 250 puffs.) Dimensions are a whopping 10.8 x 2.1 x 1.15 cm. Very discreet unit for the smokers who are vape shy.. At first. There’s no excuse here to get Yoozin when the started pack comes with the vape device and 2 complimentary pods. Replacement pods come in standard packs of 2. 

Finally, an entry level vape product that explicitly targets almost exclusively the smoker population, a definitive vape device to help you switch from Tobacco Tom, to Vape fam vitality!  Yooz does not boast any turn of the vape industry technology, no gimmicks. Rather, Yooz placed their efforts on "satisfaction to meet the standards of smokers looking to switch from smoking cigarettes."

The Yooz vape device truly was designed as an alternative to smoking cigarettes. Taking into consideration of size, ease of use and even the number of flavors, Yooz oozes sophisticated simplicity to anyone who has considered the switch to vaping but all too soon became overwhelmed with the infinite options and customizations the Vape World has to offer. 

This petite, sleek device has no buttons, simply insert your pod of choice and vape away! The entire device looks seamless, and minimalist design for a Vape device in a market of many, many, MANY options.

Yooz’ vape device opted to use nic salts opposed to free base nictonie with intent to deliver the same sensation as smoking a cigarette. From the throat hit (the sensation of inhaling smoke/vapor containing nicotine" to nic strength. Yooz mentions on their website that their flavors "consist of both naturally occurring and artificial flavor ingredients which provide the specific taste profile for each flavor." Yooz vape pods are available in two nic strengths either 3% for a mild smoker turned vaper or 5% for the more frequent smoker turned vaper. The ideal is to satisfy a vaper’s fix for nicotine no matter the desired cessation. Which we here at Vape Station have had the honor of being a part of. There is nothing like the feeling of setting up a smoker with a vape device and see them come back for more juice or a higher grade vape device. The reward of building our Vape Fam and converting smokers is second to none. Yooz shares the same ambition!   

To touch a bit further on flavor, Yooz vape has some dynamic and simple single note E juice flavors. From Classic Tobacco, to Green Tea, to Black Ice, Yooz vape has at very least one flavor to entice the smoker to ty their lungs at vaping and all the positive lifestyle improvements that comes along with the Vape life. Yooz offers a great amount of flavor E-juice profiles, to keep our new vapors satisfied and the curiosity to try more. I regretfully have never heard of a Mung Bean until Yooz came out with the E-juice flavor. Now I’m about ready to go on a mung bean diet all 2021. If you’re curios as I was about the E-juice flavor selection, take a few minutes to check out their website to gain some more insight to flavors of Yooz E-juice.  

All in all, Yooz Vape Devices are a great introduction into the world of vaping. Their mission is to change lives and we here at Vape Station support the vision as we share the same goal! With the new year right around the corner why not proposition the smokers in your life? Yooz is cost effective, simple and of quality E-juice. That overwhelming feeling of trying to change your life is alleviated with this vape system. With many choices of flavored E-juice, smokers are bound to “embark on the journey.” 

How to Purchase your Yooz Series 2 Vape from Vape Station

With Toronto and the GTA under lockdown due to the Covid pandemic, we have plenty of options to get your Vape devices and E-juices to you. Call ahead or order online for curbside pickup. Not in the GTA or Ontario? Fear not Vape fam! We have you covered with free shipping Canada wide for orders over 50.00. Get all the smokers Yoozin in 2021, a lesson from 2020: Our health is everything! 

Have a great and safe holiday,  

Vape Station  

Vape Pen Yooz Yooz Vape

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